A passion for beautiful clothes and a taste for fabrics is embedded in the DNA of every Neapolitan and Benedetto de Petrillo is no exception. However, not every Neapolitan managed to build a successful brand, but Benedetto managed to do it. Benny, as his friends call him, started working in the sales department at his father-in-law's factory back in the early 80s, later he was entrusted with the development of a clothing line. However, until 2009, Benedetto worked for other brands and did not dare to give his clothes their own band name. At first, he called his brand Gaiola in honor of a small island in the Bay of Naples. When advanced Japanese buyers noticed his costumes, Benedetto realized that it was time to step out of the shadows and finally named the brand De Petrillo. However, the Gaiola brand also exists to this day and is produced at the same factory. It is designed for a younger audience that is happy to embrace experiments. The fabrics for both brands are selected by Benedetto himself. He seeks out rare fabrics from little-known manufacturers in Italy and the UK or orders them according to his design, rather than following the mainstream and buying materials from large factories. Today, De Petrillo employs 40 masters - carriers of the living tailoring tradition of Naples. De Petrillo's style is largely inspired by it, as well as by the beauty and everyday life of this ancient city. De Petrillo makes textbook Neapolitan jackets, giving preference to single-breasted models with a shirt sleeve (spalla camicia), a soft shoulder, with minimal or no lining and a chest pocket “barchetta” in the shape of a boat. And, of course, like true Neapolitans, they love and skillfully work with checkered and patterned fabrics. The iconic Posillipo model is considered a prime example of a De Petrillo jacket. De Petrillo factory produces about 40-50 items per day. The fabric for each jacket is cut by hand. The main operations are performed on a sewing machine, however, the assembly of collars, sleeve cuffs and sleeve stitching are also done by hand. Several models of De Petrillo jackets were made specially for the Sartale store.