The Simonnot-Godard manufactory was founded in Paris in 1787 by Monsieur Beaurain, and in 1830 it was bought by Auguste Godard. Until the First World War, it supplied handkerchiefs with embroidered family coats of arms to many aristocrats and crowned heads in Europe and Russia, but by the end of the twentieth century, things were not going so well. That was until the current owner Benjamin Simonnot took over the business with his wife. Today Simonnot-Godard handkerchiefs and pocket squares are sold all over the world. The company does not print textiles but produces handkerchiefs from 100% linen, cotton and silk with only jacquard designs in various colors and combinations. The edges of all their pieces are hemmed and hand-sewn with an inconspicuous seam with four stitches for every centimeter.